About Guido.

Guido is an award-winning leader in experience design and digital innovation. A tireless optimist and creative evangelist. Through mindful mentorship and thought leadership, Guido fosters organizations that deliver game-changing customer experiences and transform businesses big and small into market leaders of the future.

His portfolio, which spans 20+ years and four countries, features ventures in product experience design (Adidas, Nokia, TripAdvisor, and Unreal candy), digital information systems (Lonza, Philips, and Samsung), service design (Isobar USA), and product identity design (Harman, iRobot, OnePlus, and Segway).

Guido has recently come back to Europe to become Chief Design Officer at Accenture Interactive in Amsterdam and is now working as Chief Design Officer for icon incar in Berlin, where he leads the design practice across multiple digital automotive programs.

Before joining Accenture, Guido was Director of User Experience at Samsung in Seattle. He founded the first in-house design practice (Samsung UXD) to support the company’s global e-commerce and marketing efforts, altogether redefining the samsung.com shopping experience. Before Samsung, he was the very first Global Creative Director at TripAdvisor.

Guido is also an enthusiastic educator who has taught information design at the University of Perugia in Italy, the Parsons Space in New York City, and the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. He owns a Master of Architecture from La Sapienza Università in Rome and a Master of Fine Arts from the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris.

Guido is the founder of Designers United for Ukraine and the Humankind Institute. You can also find some other traces of his creative endeavors on Design Unofficial and Soundcloud.

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